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Our Vote

Get ready to vote in the general election!

For questions, call our toll-free Voter Assistance Hotline at 1-833-VOTE4NC (1-833-868-3462)


Make your plan with the North Carolina Democratic Party right here:

1st up — Enter your information to check your voter registration and ensure you’re registered at the correct address.
2nd — Find your next election!

Most county’s elections will be held on November 8, 2022 — but some counties/cities/towns are having special, local elections on July 26, 2022!

The following are the contests to be decided on July 26:

  • Six municipalities – Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory, Mooresville, and Sanford – will hold local general elections for mayor and/or city or town council.
  • Other municipalities and boards of education will hold runoff elections for certain offices. They are: Cary, New Bern, Rocky Mount, Statesville, the Franklin County Board of Education, and the Jackson County Board of Education.
  • Second primaries will be held for the Republican nomination for sheriff in Graham County and the Democratic nomination for sheriff in Wake County.

If you live in one of these lucky counties, you can go vote right now! Meet your candidates using our online voter tool at

3rd — Find your voting location 

If you have a July local election, you can go vote early right now through July 23rd! Election day is on July 26th — but why wait? Find your closest early voting site and go make your voice heard ASAP. Not registered to vote? No worries! During the early voting period you can register and vote the same day! But you need to do it before the early voting period ends, so find your voting site now, grab a friend, and head to the polls!

Lastly — If you have any voting questions along the way, call our team! 



Are you a U.S. citizen currently living abroad? You can still vote! Learn more here.
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